A satisfied student is also a satisfied teacher

Feedback from my students is incredibly important to me. They give me additional motivation for further self-development and reassure me that my method is producing the intended results. I am honored when I receive the highest note as a token of gratitude after we have worked together and gained a friendly relationship with a student. Thank you for each and every one of them.

The full list of 126 highest references can be found on my account on the largest tutoring service in Poland:

Selected references

A few lessons with Matthew and I am starting to speak [...].

Until now, in traditional courses, I learned rules and had problems with speaking and understanding. Now, thanks to individual classes via Skype, this is starting to change. I recommend Matthew and his effective teaching methods!


Mr. Matthew is a great teacher.

I believed in myself again and that it is possible to learn [...] in a way that is really fun. His knowledge and skills are at the highest level. It is impossible to get bored in his lessons. If you want to learn a language it is only with the help of Mr. Matthew.


Lessons at the highest level!

Matthew puts a lot of emphasis on practical language learning, and the relaxed atmosphere in class helps to de-stress and makes learning fun. Two weeks of short meetings were enough for me to feel confident in an interview and handle a two-hour recruitment interview [...]. I recommend it to everyone!


Matthew's customized teaching methods make the barriers that previously hindered my communication no longer exist!

In just one month Matthew has made me stop being afraid to talk and I am starting to feel more confident surrounding myself with German. Meetings with Matthew are not only a dose of knowledge presented very clearly and matter-of-factly, but also laughter and a very friendly atmosphere and motivation, which makes learning much more enjoyable :)
